Thursday, March 11, 2010



One really does step out in faith when cruising 5000 miles (2500 each way), out in the middle of the ocean with
no land in sight, not another ship in sight, and sitting on top of water that is 5 miles deep… not to mention flying to and from LA in a "big bird" -- flying thousands of miles through the air ~ defying gravity. It’s a matter of faith for sure.

As a Christian, living this life is a matter of faith. We trust the Lord (place our faith in Him) that He will lead us and guide us through life, giving us wisdom for decisions that have to be made, peace when things happen that our beyond our control, and joy in the midst of the storms that come our way. How do folks who do not know JESUS CHRIST as Lord and Savior get through the hard times of life? I don’t know how they pillow their heads at night as most nights I fall asleep praying for burdens and trusting Him to work it all according to His will. Oh that I might know Him more so that I can trust Him completely, for far too often, I give Him my burdens and then take them back. GOD knows my failings and loves me in spite of them. It’s just that I want to please Him with my every thought, word, and deed; and I fail HIM so often. I need HIM more today than I did yesterday. We never out-grow our need for the Lord. I thank HIM and praise HIM that HE never leaves us nor forsakes us, and that we can claim the promises of HIS Word.

The Hawaiian Islands were amazing. Their natural beauty is astounding and the laid back serenity was quite evident. On each of the four islands we visited, two things were mentioned which really perked up our ears: the gods of the volcanoes that are still worshipped today, and the goodness of the missionaries who came to these islands to help the Hawaiians with the sin and corruption that was causing ruin and disease among their people by teaching and preaching JESUS CHRIST to them. What a contrast!! One tour bus driver actually said, “I am a Christian but I fear the volcano and still take my offerings of fruits and vegetables to appease the god of the volcano.” I heard that with my own two ears. Doesn’t the Bible “quote God” in saying that we aren’t to have any other gods before Him? And then my heart was pricked. What other gods do I put before the True and Living God? Money? Family? Vacations? I was reminded that my heart is sometimes divided and that I too must guard against making things a “god” in my life. But my heart truly was saddened as we saw very few churches around the islands and VERY FEW that would probably be classified as still preaching the fundamental truths of God’s Word. Those Hawaiian people were so kind, friendly, helpful, and eager to please us as tourists. Tourism is their “bread and butter” and they love to see the cruise ships arrive. I pray that God will continue to call men and women to be missionaries and that many will be called to tell the Hawaiians about JESUS CHRIST and how to know Him and serve Him as the ONLY God in their hearts.

Regarding our two week cruise: Richard and I really have enjoyed each other and have determined that we will do just fine in a nursing home one of these days: small room, meals provided, housekeeping provided, activities provided, etc. The only things missing will be finding the chocolates on our turned down bed each night as well as the gorgeous view we have enjoyed these two weeks.

We thank God that He has been with us each step/mile of the way and trust that He will grant us safety as we cruise for three more days, fly from LA to Huntsville, and then drive the 300 miles from Huntsville to Home. Trusting Him, for there’s no other way to be happy in JESUS, but to trust and obey!


Anonymous said...

Ik now what you mean about all the Hawaian gods Susan. I can't remember how many they have, but it is thousands. And they believe in them.